Metro or Urban Environment
FIRST PLACE: Karsten Messer; "Paris at Sunset"; Paris, France
Program: Georgia Tech - Lorraine
SECOND PLACE: Vinh Dong; "Cologne - The Best Smelling City"; Cologne, Germany
Program: Georgia Tech - Lorraine

THIRD PLACE: Lulu Gao; "Confetti Crowd"; Singapore
Program: Singapore--NUS Exchange Program
FIRST PLACE: Benjamin Gossow; "Boaters"; Switzerland
Program: Georgia Tech - Lorraine
SECOND PLACE: Karsten Messer; "Under the Aurora"; Tromsø, Norway
Program: Georgia Tech - Lorraine

THIRD PLACE: Ruthvik Chandrasekaran; "Wave of Rocks"; Page, Arizona
Program: International Academic Project

FIRST PLACE: Lulu Gao; "6 Weeks Apart, 6 Feet Apart"; Chinatown, Singapore
Program: Singapore--NUS Exchange Program

SECOND PLACE: Benjamin Gossow; "One Last Look (Before the World Stopped)"; Florence, Italy
Program: Georgia Tech - Lorraine

THIRD PLACE: Amy Liu; "Looking out at Amsterdam"; Amsterdam, The Netherlands

FIRST PLACE: Zahra Shivji; "Big Buddha"; Hong Kong, China
Program: China--Hong Kong--HKUST Exchange Program

SECOND PLACE: Ruthvik Chandrasekaran; "GT at Venice"; Venice Beach, California
Program: International Academic Project

THIRD PLACE: Lulu Gao; "Chinese New Year?"; Chinatown, Singapore
Program: Singapore--NUS Exchange Program