Grand Prize Winner

Ansley Whipple, Cuba Summer Program

This photograph was taken by Ansley Whipple, a fourth year INTA major while participating in the GT Cuba Summer Program. The photo is of an elderly Cuban woman who is begging. She is not begging for money, however, she is begging for lotion!! Due to the economic situation of the island, Cubans have very few resources, including everyday items taken for granted in the U.S.



  1. Wei Liao, GT International Student from China
  2. Lee Frankstone, China Summer Program
  3. Jessica Smith, Spring Pacific Program


  1. Ashish Arya, Oxford Summer Program
  2. Monica Parra, Beijing/Singapore Summer Program
  3. Ashley Smith, Sussex Semester Program


  1. Ji Bae, Barcelona Summer Program
  2. Irene Gung, Hong Kong Semester Program
  3. Daria Theodora, GT International Student from Indonesia

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