Students going on a GT Exchange Abroad Program for a semester or summer must use the Exchange Credit Approval Form for GT Exchange Programs (ECA) to request approval for foreign courses to transfer to GT. The ECA form can be found here
In order to participate in a GT Exchange Program you MUST turn in an ECA form before you leave the country to study abroad. You will be given a specific due date by your advisor during orientation.
- Failure to turn in an ECA form before you leave could result in you earning no credit while abroad or endangering eligibility for financial aid, loans, scholarships, HOPE or ZELL.
- Not all courses will be approved for GT credit, so it is important to start the process as soon as possible. For example, sports courses do not transfer back to GT at all.
The steps for GT foreign credit transfer are as follows (please type or fill in the ECA form in dark ink):
Check OSCAR to see if courses are already approved. If the course is already approved on OSCAR, write out its equivalent in column three and write, “OSCAR,” in the signature line.
Obtain copies of the syllabi for the courses that are not already approved and you are planning on taking abroad.
Check the credit transfer system for your planned program. These differ from school to school. For example, our European partners largely use ECTS. 1.4 ECTS equals 1 GT credit hour. Check the OIE website or contact your education abroad advisor for your host university’s credit transfer system. Fill in the top portion of the ECA form and the first column, “Courses to be taken abroad.”
Send the form, course descriptions/syllabi and the credit transfer system to the appropriate GT faculty/staff member for approval. The list of approvers can be found on the next page of this document
The approver completes the ECA, signs in the column three by each approved course and then checks the appropriate type of approval in column four/five if s/he agrees to approve courses for transfer. The type of credit transferred is at the discretion of the academic unit that teaches the course at GT.
After the appropriate faculty members have signed, you will need to send the form to your MAJOR school for signature. This signature is required, even if you will not take major courses abroad.
You must sign and date the form and keep a copy for your records.
Send the form by email to your exchange advisor. We will acquire the last two signatures for you (OIE signature and Registrar signature).
The form will then be uploaded to your Atlas account, for your future reference.
- Feel free to use DocuSign when you are requesting signatures from the approvers.
- List backup courses. You are not required to take all courses that you list. You may fill out as many ECAs as you need. You do not need to know exactly what you are taking abroad.
- In some cases, transfer credit is not awarded until course work, exams, etc are reviewed. Save all notes, syllabi, exams, term papers and textbooks so that, if requested, you will be able to provide extensive information on the content of your course.
- We round credits down – so if a course is worth 3.57 GT credits after conversion, you will receive 3 GT credit hours for that course.
- You must receive a “C” or better in order for courses to transfer to GT. The GPA you earn abroad will not affect your GT GPA, but it will affect your financial aid GPA.
- If you have ANY QUESTIONS about this process, please contact your OIE advisor.
Contact List to Request Approval for International Transfer Credit
Type of Credit for which you are requesting approval (all are for undergraduate approval unless otherwise specified) | Contact Person | E-mail address |
Aerospace Engineering/AE | Chris Lundy | |
Architecture/ARCH/COA | Shaunitra Wisdom | |
Biology/BIOS/ APPH | Dr. Mirjana Brockett Dr. Teresa Snow | |
Biomedical Engineering/BME | Dr. Esfandiar Behravesh | |
Building Construction/BC | Lorie Wooten Dr. Daniel Castro | |
Business/MGT/ACCT -Undergraduate Students
-Graduate Students |
Shivani Patel
Peter Severa, Saed Reyes |, |
Chemical & Bimolecular Engineering/ChBE | Dr. Victor Breedveld | |
Chemistry & Biochemistry/CHEM | Dr. Pamela Pollet | |
Civil & Environmental Engineering/CEE | Dr. Tracy Boothe | |
City Planning/CP | Anna Traykova | |
College of Engineering/COE (2001 & 3001) | Dr. Tracy Boothe | |
Computer Science/CS -Undergraduate Students -Graduate Students |
Pauline Glenn Becky Wilson |
Earth & Atmospheric Sciences/EAS | Dr. Samantha Wilson | |
Economics/ECON *Please provide full syllabus when asking | Danny Woodbury | |
Electrical & Computer Engineering/ECE | Angela Elleby | |
General Credit (Social Sciences, Humanities, Free Electives) | Registrar's Office Study Abroad Team | |
History, Technology & Society/HTS | Dr. Jennifer Singh
Human Computer interaction/HCI | David White | |
Industrial Design/ID | Troy Whyte | |
Industrial & Systems Engineering/ISyE | Dr. Chen Zhou | |
International Affairs/ INTA | Dr. Mikulas Fabry | |
Literature, Media & Communication/LMC | Amanda Blocker | |
Mathematics/MATH -Undergraduate Students -Graduate Students |
Undergraduate Program Office Graduate Program Office |
Materials Science & Engineering/MSE -Undergraduate Students |
Dr. Mary Lynn Realff |
Mechanical Engineering/ME Nuclear and Radiological Engineering/NRE | Dr. Brandon Dixon | |
Modern Languages/foreign language credit | Arabic: Natalie Khazaal Chinese: Paul Foster French: Stéphanie Boulard German: Britta Kallin Japanese: Kyoko Masuda Korean: Yongtaek Kim Linguistics (English): Lelia Glass Russian: Dina Khapaeva Spanish: Cecilia Montes-Alcala | |
Music /MUSI | Dr. Jason Freeman Corissa Jones | |
Neuroscience / NEUR | Dr. Mary Holder | |
Physics/PHYS *Please provide full syllabus when asking | Dr. Brian Kennedy | |
Polymer, Textile & Fiber Engineering/PTFE | Dr. Mary Lynn Realff | |
Psychology/PSYC | Last Name A-J: Dr. Meghan Babcock Last Name K-Z: Dr. William Stern | |
Public Policy/PUBP/POL/LAW/PHIL -Undergraduate Students
-Graduate Students | Dr. Hans Klein (PUBP & POL) Dr. Michael Hoffmann (PHIL) Ronnie Anderson | |