Annie Laster
Major: Industrial Engineering
Program(s): GRIP - Mexico City Summer 2023 | Chile - PUC Santiago Exchange Program Spring 2024
Email: annielaster@gatech.edu

Arrington Goss
Major: Computer Science
Program(s): Barcelona Summer Program Summer 2023 | Singapore - NUS Exchange Program Spring 2025
Email: agoss9@gatech.edu
I knew I wanted to study abroad long before coming to GT, but I could have never imagined all the things I'd experience, the wonderful people I'd meet, or the delicious food I'd taste while living in Barcelona, Spain. Study Abroad is truly such an amazing experience, and it is something that I recommend everyone to do once while studying at GT. I loved talking with the locals, commuting with the locals, adapting to the lifestyle of the locals, and truly feeling like a local towards the end of the summer. Reach out if you're interested in my summer in Barcelona or have any questions about the program!

Gabriella "Gabby" Reese
Major: Electrical Engineering
Program(s): Korean LBAT Summer 2023
Email: greese8@gatech.edu
I had a memorable summer studying abroad in South Korea as part of the Language, Business, and Technology: Korea program. It marked my first time venturing outside the United States, and it turned out to be an incredibly educational and enriching experience. While abroad, I not only had the chance to enhance my Korean-speaking skills but also embarked on exciting adventures with my friends. Exploring the culture and trying the delicious local cuisine made this summer truly unforgettable.

Grace Trebilcock
Major: Mechanical Engineering
Program(s): Georgia Tech Europe Spring 2023
Email: gtrebilcock3@gatech.edu

Nilesh Chakraborty
Major: Aerospace Engineering
Program(s): AE Limerick Summer Program Summer 2022 | AE India Program Summer 2023
Email: uchakraborty8@gatech.edu
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Katerina Efthymiou
Major: Civil Engineering
Georgia Tech Europe Fall 2022 | GRIP Summer Internship Cohort Summer 2023 | Taiwan - CEE National Taiwan University Exchange Program Spring 2024
Email: kefthymiou@gatech.edu

Anwitha Kollipara
Major: Computer Science
Program(s): Berlin Summer Program Summer 2023
Email: akollipara7@gatech.edu
I studied in Berlin for a summer under the College of Computing. I had the opportunity to meet and interact with completely different kinds of people, as I immersed myself in Berlin life. I also had a great time traveling in and around Germany, to cities such as Munich, Prague, and Copenhagen. The study abroad experience has made me more open minded and independent.