Ross Paolucci

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Major:  Biology (Pre-Med)
Program(s): Strathclyde Exchange Program (Glasgow, Scotland)

Hello! I’m Ross, and I’m a third year Biology major with a double minor in Physiology and Health and Medical Sciences from Atlanta, GA. I’ve always loved to travel, and I knew that I wanted to experience a study abroad when I was at Georgia Tech. I’m currently studying at the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow, Scotland for the Fall 2021 term. I’ve lived in Scotland for a month at a time in the summers of 2018 and 2019, and I couldn’t wait until I could get back! I knew that I wanted to do an exchange program so I could fully immerse myself into another culture. I can’t wait to spend an entire semester in Glasgow surrounded by some of the best people I’ve met and grow into the best person I can!